Tension issue #1
$5.00 / Sold Out
36 pages of full color indie superhero action.
Written, penciled, inked, colored and lettered by Ryan Black
The first five issue story arc begins when Eric Evans, codename: WitchHammer, is tasked with hunting down and neutralizing his best friend, a powerful telepath named Jessica Jane.
An event in Prague left twelve people dead and hundreds injured and the blame has been cast on her.
Evans is employed on a contract basis by a government funded black-ops agency called The American Bureau for Special Defense. The A.B.S.D. employs super-humans, such as Eric Evans and Jessica Jane to defend America's interests from super-powered terrorists and power-hungry psychopaths. But things aren't always black and white. Despite WitchHammer's resolve to protect the innocent he struggles with keeping his power in check. The temptation to use that power for less altruistic purposes tugs at him often when things get tough. And with a mountain of debt, a greedy ex-wife and no skills other than motocross racing and hurting people things are tough more often than not!